The output variables listed below
are available in
- SF
- Field: yes History: yes .fil: yes .dat: yes
All section force and moment components.
- SFn
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: yes
Section force per unit width of component n
for conventional shells;
for continuum shells;
for beams).
- SMn
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: yes
Section moment per unit width of component n
- Field: yes History: no .fil: no .dat: no
Composite shell section orientations.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: yes
Bimoment of beam cross-section. Available only for open-section beam
- ESF1
- Field: yes History: yes .fil: yes .dat: yes
Effective axial force for beams and pipes subjected to pressure loading.
Available for all stress/displacement procedure types except response spectrum
and random response.
- Field: yes History: no .fil: yes .dat: yes
All average shell section stress components.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: yes
Average shell section stress component n
- SE
- Field: yes History: yes .fil: yes .dat: yes
All section strain, curvature change, and twist components.
- SEn
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: yes
Section strain component n
for shells;
for beams).
- SKn
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: yes
Section curvature change or twist n
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: yes
Bicurvature of beam cross-section. Available only for open-section beam
- Field: no History: no .fil: yes .dat: yes
Maximum axial stress on the section. (This variable can be used with the
following types of general beam section definitions: standard library
cross-sections, linear generalized cross-sections, or meshed cross-sections
with specified output section points. If the output section points are
specified, the MAXSS output will be the maximum of the stresses at the
user-specified points.)
- Field: yes History: yes .fil: yes .dat: yes
Coordinates of the section point. These are the current coordinates if the
large-displacement formulation is being used.
- Field: yes History: yes .fil: yes .dat: yes
Section thickness (current thickness for SAX1, SAX2, SAX2T, S3/S3R, S4, S4R, SAXA1N, SAXA2N, and all membrane elements if the
large-displacement formulation is used; initial thickness for all other cases).
- Field: yes History: yes .fil: yes .dat: yes
Integrated section volume. (Not available for eigenfrequency extraction,
eigenvalue buckling prediction, complex eigenfrequency extraction, or linear
dynamics procedures. Available only for continuum and structural elements not
using general beam or shell section definitions.)
- Field: yes History: yes .fil: yes .dat: yes
All generalized plastic strain components. Available only for inelastic
nonlinear response in a general beam section.
- SPEn
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: yes
Generalized plastic strain component n
Representing axial plastic strain, curvature change about the local 1-axis,
curvature change about the local 2-axis, and twist of the beam. Available only
for inelastic nonlinear response in a general beam section.
- Field: yes History: yes .fil: yes .dat: yes
All equivalent plastic strains. Available only for inelastic nonlinear
response in a general beam section.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: yes
Equivalent plastic strain component n
Representing axial plastic strain, curvature change about the local 1-axis,
curvature change about the local 2-axis, and twist of the beam. Available only
for inelastic nonlinear response in a general beam section.
Frame Elements
- Field: yes History: yes .fil: yes .dat: yes
All elastic section axial, curvature, and twist strain components.
- SEE1
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: yes
Elastic axial strain component.
- SKEn
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: yes
Elastic section curvature or twist strain component
- Field: yes History: yes .fil: yes .dat: yes
All plastic axial displacements and rotations at the element's ends. This
identifier also provides a yes/no flag telling if the frame element's end
section is currently yielding or not (AC
YIELD: “actively yielding”; that is, the plastic strain
changed during the increment) and a yes/no/na flag telling if buckling occurred
in the strut response (AC BUCKL) or is not
applicable. AC YIELD and AC
BUCKL are not available in the output database.
- SEP1
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: yes
Plastic axial displacement at the element's ends.
- SKPn
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: yes
Plastic rotations, either bending or twisting, at the element's ends
- Field: yes History: yes .fil: yes .dat: yes
All generalized backstress components at the element's ends.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: yes
Generalized backstress at the element's ends ().
The first component is the axial section backstress, followed by two bending
backstress components and the twist backstress component.