Whole Element Variables

You can request whole element variable output to the data, results, or output database file. In steady-state dynamics all energy quantities are net per-cycle values, unless otherwise noted.

This page discusses:

See Also
Element Output
Writing Element Output to the Output Database

The output variables listed below are available in Abaqus/Standard.

Field: no  History: no  .fil: yes  .dat: yes  

Current values of distributed loads (not available for nonuniform loads).

Field: no  History: no  .fil: yes  .dat: yes  

Current values of foundation pressures.

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: yes  .dat: yes  

Current values of distributed (heat or concentration) fluxes (not available for nonuniform fluxes), including those imported using the HFL co-simulation field ID.

Field: no  History: no  .fil: yes  .dat: yes  

Current values of distributed electrical charges.

Field: no  History: no  .fil: yes  .dat: yes  

Current values of distributed electrical currents.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: yes  .dat: yes  

All energy magnitudes in the element. A limited number of them are available for direct-solution steady-state dynamic and subspace-based steady-state dynamic analyses. Mode-based steady-state dynamic analyses support computation of kinetic and strain energies as well as the energy loss due to viscous and structural damping (material and global).

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: yes  

Total kinetic energy in the element. In steady-state dynamic and frequency extraction analyses, this is the cyclic mean value. In frequency extraction analyses, the value of total kinetic energy in the element is normalized. Normalization is performed for each eigenmode separately, such that the kinetic and strain energies for the whole model add up to one.

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Total kinetic energy amplitude in the element. This variable is available only in mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses.

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Total kinetic energy peak value in the element. This variable is available only in mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: yes  

Total elastic strain energy in the element. When the Mullins effect is modeled with hyperelastic materials, this quantity represents only the recoverable part of energy in the element. In steady-state dynamic and frequency extraction analyses, this is the cyclic mean value. In frequency extraction analyses, the value of total elastic strain energy in the element is normalized. Normalization is performed for each eigenmode separately, such that the kinetic and strain energies for the whole model add up to one.

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Total elastic strain energy amplitude in the element. This variable is available only in mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses.

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Total elastic strain energy peak value in the element. This variable is available only in mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: yes  

Total energy dissipated in the element by rate-independent and rate-dependent plastic deformation. For superelastic materials, this variable also includes recoverable phase-transformation energy. This output variable is not available for steady-state dynamic analysis.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: yes  

Total energy dissipated in the element by creep, swelling, viscoelasticity, and energy associated with viscous regularization for cohesive elements. Not available for steady-state dynamic analysis.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: yes  

Total energy dissipated in the element by viscous effects, not including energy dissipated by static stabilization or viscoelasticity. In mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses, only field output in the output database is supported for this variable.

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Total energy dissipated in the element by viscous effects due to the material damping. This variable is available only in mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses.

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Total energy dissipated in the element by viscous effects due to the global damping. This variable is available only in mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses.

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Total energy dissipated in the element due to structural damping. This variable includes energy loss due to the material and global structural damping and is available only in mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses.

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Total energy dissipated in the element due to the material structural damping. This variable is available only in mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses.

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Total energy dissipated in the element due to the global structural damping. This variable is available only in mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: yes  

Total energy dissipated in the element resulting from automatic static stabilization. Not available for steady-state dynamic analysis.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: yes  

Total electrostatic energy in the element. Not available for steady-state dynamic analysis.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: yes  

Total electrical energy dissipated due to flow of current. Not available for steady-state dynamic analysis.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: yes  

Total “artificial” strain energy in the element (energy associated with constraints used to remove singular modes, such as hourglass control, and with constraints used to make the drill rotation follow the in-plane rotation of the shell element). Not available for steady-state dynamic analysis.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: yes  

Total energy dissipated in the element by damage. Not available for steady-state dynamic analysis.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Element internal heat energy due to nonuniform moving flux prescribed using user subroutine UMDFLUX. Available only in a pure heat transfer analysis.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Element internal heat energy density due to nonuniform moving flux prescribed using user subroutine UMDFLUX. Available only in a pure heat transfer analysis.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: yes  .dat: yes  

In all analysis procedures except mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses: forces at the nodes of an element from both the hourglass and the regular deformation modes of that element that represent the action of the element to the rest of the finite element model (internal forces at the element nodes in the global coordinate system).

In mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses: internal forces at the element nodes that represent the action of the element to the rest of the finite element model, including contributions from the element inertia, damping, and deformation (internal forces at the element nodes in the global coordinate system).

The specified position in data and results file requests is ignored.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Forces (NFORCSOn, with n=1, 2, 3) and moments (n=4, 5, 6) at the nodes of a beam element caused by the stress resultants in the element (internal forces in the beam section orientation coordinate system).

Force components correspond to the axial force (n=1) and transverse shear forces in the local 2-direction (n=2) and local 1-direction (n=3), respectively.

Moment components correspond to bending about the local 1-axis (n=4) and local 2-axis (n=5) and twist about the beam axis (n=6), respectively.

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Uniformly distributed gravity load (measured as g, where g is the gravitational acceleration).

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Uniformly distributed body force.

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Magnitude of Coriolis load.

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Magnitude of rotary acceleration load.

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Magnitude of centrifugal load (measured as ρω2, where ρ is the mass density per unit volume and ω is the angular velocity).

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Magnitude of centrifugal load (measured as ω2, where ω is the angular velocity).

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Heat body flux.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: yes  .dat: yes  

Fluxes at the nodes of the element caused by the heat conduction or mass diffusion in the element (internal fluxes). (The specified position for data and output database file requests is ignored.)

Field: no  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: yes  

Flux n at the nodes of the element (n=11,12,) caused by the heat conduction or mass diffusion in the element (internal fluxes). (The specified position for data and output database file requests is ignored.)

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: yes  .dat: yes  

Electrical current at the nodes due to electrical conduction in the element.

Field: no  History: no  .fil: yes  .dat: yes  

Current values of film conditions (not available for nonuniform films).

Field: no  History: no  .fil: yes  .dat: yes  

Current values of radiation conditions.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Volume fraction of the material in the current element.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: yes  .dat: yes  

Current element volume. (Not available for eigenfrequency extraction, eigenvalue buckling prediction, complex eigenfrequency extraction, or linear dynamics procedures. Available only for continuum and structural elements not using general beam or shell section definitions.)

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: yes  .dat: yes  

Amount of solute in an element, calculated as the sum of ISOL (amount of solute at an integration point) over all the integration points in the element.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Element solution-dependent variables.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Element solution-dependent variable n.

Field: yes  History: no  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Original beam radius for a solid circular beam.

Field: yes  History: yes  .fil: no  .dat: no  

Powder blade interference with the printed part (0-No interference, 1-Possible interference, and 2-Interference detected between the powder blade and the printed part). Available only for the built-in thermomechanical additive manufacturing process simulations.