What's New

This page describes recent changes in Abaqus output.

R2022x GA

Changes in Connector Element Output in Modal Analysis Procedures

Element output is now available for certain connection types when there is no connector motion associated with them.
In previous releases, element output was unavailable for all connectors in modal analysis procedures. Element output is now available for the following connection types when there is no connector motion associated with them:
Benefits: In modal analysis procedures, element output is now available for several connection types.
For more information, see Connector Elements

Contact Output Enhancements

You can obtain the magnitude of the nodal frictional stress in a general contact Abaqus/Explicit analysis.
When you request contact output variable CSTRESS in a general contact Abaqus/Explicit analysis, the following output is reported:
  • Contact pressure CPRESS (available in previous releases).
  • Magnitude of the nodal frictional stress CSHEARMAG (new in this release). This output is computed as the magnitude of the nodal frictional force divided by CNAREA.

CPRESS and CSHEARMAG in a two stands rolling simulation are shown below.

Benefits: You can obtain the magnitude of the nodal frictional stress (CSHEARMAG). This output is computed as the magnitude of the nodal frictional force divided by CNAREA.
For more information, see Mechanical Analysis–Nodal Quantities