Explicit Solution Dependence
The solution dependence introduced in this user subroutine is explicit: all data passed in the subroutine for information or to be updated are values at the beginning of that increment.
Explicit Solution DependenceThe solution dependence introduced in this user subroutine is explicit: all data passed in the subroutine for information or to be updated are values at the beginning of that increment. User Subroutine Interface SUBROUTINE UAMP(
* ampName, time, ampValueOld, dt, nProps, props, nSvars,
* svars, lFlagsInfo,
* nSensor, sensorValues, sensorNames, jSensorLookUpTable,
* AmpValueNew,
* lFlagsDefine,
* AmpDerivative, AmpSecDerivative, AmpIncIntegral,
* AmpDoubleIntegral)
C time indices
parameter (iStepTime = 1,
* iTotalTime = 2,
* nTime = 2)
C flags passed in for information
parameter (iInitialization = 1,
* iRegularInc = 2,
* iCuts = 3,
* ikStep = 4,
* nFlagsInfo = 4)
C optional flags to be defined
parameter (iComputeDeriv = 1,
* iComputeSecDeriv = 2,
* iComputeInteg = 3,
* iComputeDoubleInteg = 4,
* iStopAnalysis = 5,
* iConcludeStep = 6,
* nFlagsDefine = 6)
dimension time(nTime), lFlagsInfo(nFlagsInfo),
* lFlagsDefine(nFlagsDefine)
dimension jSensorLookUpTable(*)
dimension sensorValues(nSensor), svars(nSvars), props(nProps)
character*80 sensorNames(nSensor)
character*80 ampName
user coding to define AmpValueNew, and
optionally lFlagsDefine, AmpDerivative, AmpSecDerivative,
AmpIncIntegral, AmpDoubleIntegral
Variables to Be Defined
Variables That Can Be Updated
Variables Passed in for Information
Example: Amplitude Definition Using Sensor and State Variablesc user amplitude subroutine Subroutine UAMP( C passed in for information and state variables * ampName, time, ampValueOld, dt, nProps, props, nSvars, * svars, lFlagsInfo, * nSensor, sensorValues, sensorNames, * jSensorLookUpTable, C to be defined * ampValueNew, * lFlagsDefine, * AmpDerivative, AmpSecDerivative, AmpIncIntegral, * AmpDoubleIntegral) include 'aba_param.inc' C svars - additional state variables, similar to (V)UEL dimension sensorValues(nSensor), svars(nSvars), * props(nProps) character*80 sensorNames(nSensor) character*80 ampName C time indices parameter( iStepTime = 1, * iTotalTime = 2, * nTime = 2) C flags passed in for information parameter( iInitialization = 1, * iRegularInc = 2, * iCuts = 3, * ikStep = 4, * nFlagsInfo = 4) C optional flags to be defined parameter( iComputeDeriv = 1, * iComputeSecDeriv = 2, * iComputeInteg = 3, * iComputeDoubleInteg = 4, * iStopAnalysis = 5, * iConcludeStep = 6, * nFlagsDefine = 6) parameter( tStep=0.18d0, tAccelerateMotor = .00375d0, * omegaFinal=23.26d0, * zero=0.0d0, one=1.0d0, two=2.0d0, four=4.0d0) dimension time(nTime), lFlagsInfo(nFlagsInfo), * lFlagsDefine(nFlagsDefine) dimension jSensorLookUpTable(*) lFlagsDefine(iComputeDeriv) = 1 lFlagsDefine(iComputeSecDeriv) = 1 lFlagsDefine(iComputeInteg) = 1 lFlagsDefine(iComputeDoubleInteg) = 1 c get sensor value vTrans_CU1 = GetSensorValue('HORIZ_TRANSL_MOTION', * jSensorLookUpTable, * sensorValues) if (ampName(1:22) .eq. 'MOTOR_WITH_STOP_SENSOR' ) then if (lFlagsInfo(iInitialization).eq.1) then AmpSecDerivative = zero AmpDerivative = omegaFinal/tAccelerateMotor ampValueNew = zero AmpIncIntegral = zero AmpDoubleIntegral = zero svars(1) = zero svars(2) = zero else tim = time(iStepTime) c ramp up the angular rot velocity of the c electric motor c after which hold constant if (tim .le. tAccelerateMotor) then AmpSecDerivative = zero AmpDerivative = omegaFinal/tAccelerateMotor ampValueNew = omegaFinal*tim/tAccelerateMotor AmpIncIntegral = dt*(ampValueOld+ampValueNew)/ two AmpDoubleIntegral = dt**2*(ampValueOld+ampValueNew)/ four else AmpSecDerivative = zero AmpDerivative = zero ampValueNew = omegaFinal AmpIncIntegral = dt*(ampValueOld+ampValueNew)/ two AmpDoubleIntegral = dt**2*(ampValueOld+ampValueNew)/ four end if c retrieve old sensor value vTrans_CU1_old = svars(1) c detect a zero crossing and count the number of c crossings if (vTrans_CU1_old*vTrans_CU1 .le. zero .and. * tim .gt. tAccelerateMotor ) then svars(2) = svars(2) + one end if nrCrossings = int(svars(2)) c stop the motor if sensor crosses zero the second time if (nrCrossings.eq.2) then ampValueNew = zero lFlagsDefine(iConcludeStep)=1 end if c store sensor value svars(1) = vTrans_CU1 end if end if return end |