Elements tested
Products Abaqus/Standard Elements testedDC3D8 Features testedThis section provides basic verification tests of metallurgical phase transformations. Problem descriptionThis verification test contains single-element heat transfer analyses with nodal temperature degree of freedom driven by predefined amplitude curves. The test is designed to qualitatively verify metallurgical phase transformations under predefined thermal histories.
Results and discussionThe results of metallurgical phase transformations in titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V with the two thermal cycles are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively. Graphs show the temperature, RLS state, and phase content. The RLS indicator describes the material state as Raw (-1), Liquid (0), or Solid (1). It can be seen that the microstructure is fully β-phase on solidification. The β-phase quickly transforms to α’-phase during the rapid cooling that is typical during printing processes. The two diffusional transformations occur slowly during heating and slow cooling conditions. The results agree with the specified material definition. The results of the metallurgical phase transformations in steel 5140 for a thermal cycle with differenced segments of constant rate are shown in Figure 3. At the slow cooling rate (1°C/s), the alloy transforms to mainly ferrite and pearlite. At the medium cooling rate (10°C/s), a small amount of bainite phase is formed. At the high cooling rate (100°C/s), the martensitic phase transformation occurs and only negligible diffusional transformations occur. The results agree with the specified material definition. Input files
(a) During printing (b) During heat treatment
(a) Cooling rate 1°C/s (b) Cooling rate 10°C/s (c) Cooling rate 100°C/s |