Design sensitivity analysis for elastic materials

This problem contains basic test cases for one or more Abaqus elements and features.

This page discusses:


Elements tested

  • CPE4I
  • CAX4
  • C3D8
  • S4R

Features tested

This section includes simple tests to verify DSA for the isotropic elasticity, hyperelasticity (Ogden and polynomial models), and hyperfoam material options. The elastic material models are tested as geometrically linear cases that include temperature dependence. The hyperelastic models are tested as geometrically nonlinear cases with the material properties input as coefficients (no test data input). The material coefficients are chosen as the design parameters. For all problems sensitivities of element and node responses are verified for static steps, and for selected problems sensitivities of eigenvalues and eigenfrequencies are verified for frequency steps.

Problem description

The tests are performed on a square or a cylindrical block discretized with four to eight elements. The block is held fixed at one end and loaded using prescribed displacements or point loads at the other end. Key material coefficients used in defining the material models are the primary design parameters, while some shape parameters are made design parameters as appropriate.

Results and discussion

All response sensitivities are verified by comparison to overall finite difference results.

Input files


Total DSA, elastic axisymmetric model.


Total DSA, elastic axisymmetric model with temperature dependence.


Total DSA, elastic three-dimensional model.


Total DSA, elastic three-dimensional model with temperature dependence.


Incremental DSA, hyperelastic (polynomial) two-dimensional model.


Incremental DSA, hyperelastic (polynomial) three-dimensional model.


Incremental DSA, hyperelastic (Ogden) two-dimensional model.


Incremental DSA, hyperelastic (Ogden) three-dimensional model.


Incremental DSA, hyperfoam two-dimensional model; includes frequency step.


Incremental DSA, hyperfoam three-dimensional model.


Incremental DSA, elastic with engineering constant model, shell element with orientation.