Embedded element technique

This problem contains basic test cases for one or more Abaqus elements and features.

This page discusses:


Elements tested

  • C3D8
  • C3D8R
  • C3D20
  • CAX4
  • CAX4R
  • CAX8
  • CPE4
  • CPE4R
  • CPE8
  • SC6R
  • SC8R
  • MAX1
  • MAX2
  • M3D4
  • M3D4R
  • M3D8
  • SFMAX1
  • SFMAX2
  • SFM3D4
  • SFM3D4R
  • SFM3D8
  • T2D2
  • T2D3
  • T3D2
  • T3D3

Features tested

Various types of elements that lie embedded in different types of host elements are used to constrain the embedded nodes to the appropriate host elements.

Problem description

The models using continuum elements as host elements consist of three host elements and, in most cases, two embedded elements of different types. The models using continuum shell elements as host elements consist of six or nine elements: three membrane elements lie embedded in a group of either three SC8R or six SC6R elements. All the nodes at one end (x=1) are constrained in all degrees of freedom. Concentrated loads are applied in the negative y-direction to the nodes at the other end (x=10).

Results and discussion

The results obtained using the embedded element technique are the same as those obtained using an equivalent MPC model.

Input files

Abaqus/Standard input files


Static step; a 2D first-order truss element and a 2D first-order solid element lie embedded in three 2D first-order solid elements.


Static step; a 2D second-order truss element and a 2D second-order solid element lie embedded in three 2D second-order solid elements.


Static step; an axisymmetric first-order membrane element with rebar and an axisymmetric first-order solid element lie embedded in three axisymmetric first-order solid elements.


Static step; an axisymmetric second-order membrane element with rebar and an axisymmetric second-order solid element lie embedded in three axisymmetric second-order solid elements.


Static step; an axisymmetric first-order surface element with rebar and an axisymmetric first-order solid element lie embedded in three axisymmetric first-order solid elements.


Static step; an axisymmetric second-order surface element with rebar and an axisymmetric second-order solid element lie embedded in three axisymmetric second-order solid elements.


Static step; a 3D first-order membrane element with rebar and a 3D first-order solid element lie embedded in three 3D first-order solid elements.


Static step; a 3D second-order membrane element with rebar and a 3D second-order solid element lie embedded in three 3D second-order solid elements.


Static step followed by frequency, steady-state dynamics, modal dynamics, response spectrum, random response, and dynamics steps; a 3D first-order truss element and a 3D first-order membrane element with rebar lie embedded in three 3D first-order solid elements.


Static step; a 3D second-order truss element and a 3D second-order membrane element with rebar lie embedded in three 3D second-order solid elements.


Static step; a 3D first-order surface element with rebar and a 3D first-order solid element lie embedded in three 3D first-order solid elements.


Static step; a 3D second-order surface element with rebar and a 3D second-order solid element lie embedded in three 3D second-order solid elements.


Static step followed by frequency, steady-state dynamics, modal dynamics, response spectrum, random response, and dynamics steps; a 3D first-order truss element and a 3D first-order surface element with rebar lie embedded in three 3D first-order solid elements.


Static step; a 3D second-order truss element and a 3D second-order surface element with rebar lie embedded in three 3D second-order solid elements.


Static step; a 3D first-order surface element with rebar and a 3D first-order solid element lie embedded in three 3D first-order solid elements. The MODEL CHANGE capability is applied to remove and add surface elements during the static analysis.


Static step; three membrane elements with rebar lie embedded in three 8-node continuum shell elements.


Static step; three membrane elements with rebar lie embedded in six 6-node continuum shell elements.


Static step; first-order cylindrical surface elements with rebar lie embedded in first-order cylindrical solid elements.


Static step; second-order cylindrical surface elements with rebar lie embedded in second-order cylindrical solid elements.


Static step; shell elements with rebar and beam elements lie embedded in three 3D first-order solid elements.

Abaqus/Explicit input files


A 2D first-order truss element and a 2D first-order solid element lie embedded in three 2D first-order solid elements.


An axisymmetric first-order solid element lies embedded in three axisymmetric first-order solid elements.


A 3D first-order membrane element with rebar and a 3D first-order solid element lie embedded in three 3D first-order solid elements.


A 3D first-order membrane element with rebar and a 3D first-order solid element lie embedded in three 3D first-order solid elements.


A 3D first-order truss element and a 3D first-order membrane element with rebar lie embedded in three 3D first-order solid elements.


A 3D first-order surface element with rebar and a 3D first-order solid element lie embedded in three 3D first-order solid elements.


Shell elements with rebar and beam elements lie embedded in three 3D first-order solid elements.


Figure 1. Elements lie embedded in host elements.