Model change
Elements tested
Problem description
This test verifies that elements that are rendered inactive in Abaqus/Standard are not imported into Abaqus/Explicit. The finite element model consists of three CPE4R elements. The analysis in Abaqus/Standard consists of four steps. In the first step the model is subjected to a tensile load, in Step 2 two of the elements are rendered inactive, in Step 3 one of these elements is reactivated, and finally in Step 4 the two active elements are subjected to an increased tensile load. The results from the end of Step 3 of the Abaqus/Standard analysis are imported into Abaqus/Explicit. Only the two active elements are imported; these two elements are then subjected to the same tensile loads as in Step 4 of the Abaqus/Standard analysis. This test is conducted with CPE4R elements. The material definition and loading are not important.
Results and discussion
The results at the end of the Abaqus/Explicit import analysis are identical to the results at the end of the Abaqus/Standard analysis. The results demonstrate that the effects of using the element removal capability are transferred correctly between Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard. In addition, the results demonstrate that elements that are inactive in an Abaqus/Standard analysis will not be imported into Abaqus/Explicit.
Input files
- sx_s_cpe4r_mc.inp
Abaqus/Standard analysis.
- sx_x_cpe4r_mc.inp
Abaqus/Explicit analysis.