Transferring results with general shell sections

This problem contains basic test cases for one or more Abaqus elements and features.

This page discusses:


Transferring results between Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard

Elements tested


Problem description

Specifying section properties for shell elements using the general shell section definition is verified in the following tests. An S4R element is subjected to simple shear with monotonically increasing loads. The analysis consists of a sequential transfer between Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard and back to Abaqus/Explicit. The material parameter is used to define linear isotropic elastic behavior for a general shell section. The composite parameter is used to define orthotropic elastic properties for a shell composed of different linear elastic layers.

The following linear elastic properties are used (the units are not important):

E1 = 200 × 109
ν = 0.3
Density = 7850.

The orthotropic material properties are

E1 = 200 × 109
E2 = 100 × 109
E3 = 100 × 109
ν12 = 0.3
ν13 = 0.23
ν23 = 0.34
G12 = 76.9 × 109
G13 = 76.9 × 109
G23 = 9.0 × 109
Density = 7850.

Verification tests of the enhanced hourglass control method are also included.

Results and discussion

The results of this analysis demonstrate that section properties specified with a general shell section definition are transferred correctly between Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard.

Input files

The material properties are specified:

First Abaqus/Explicit analysis.


First Abaqus/Explicit analysis with enhanced hourglass control.


Abaqus/Standard analysis.


Abaqus/Standard analysis with enhanced hourglass control.


Second Abaqus/Explicit analysis.


Second Abaqus/Explicit analysis with enhanced hourglass control.

The equivalent section properties are input directly and the section stiffness matrix is based on the linear elastic properties given above:

First Abaqus/Explicit analysis.


First Abaqus/Explicit analysis with enhanced hourglass control.


Abaqus/Standard analysis.


Abaqus/Standard analysis with enhanced hourglass control.


Second Abaqus/Explicit analysis.


Second Abaqus/Explicit analysis with enhanced hourglass control.

The material properties of the layers are specified:

First Abaqus/Explicit analysis.


First Abaqus/Explicit analysiswith enhanced hourglass control.


Abaqus/Standard analysis.


Abaqus/Standard analysis with enhanced hourglass control.


Second Abaqus/Explicit analysis.


Second Abaqus/Explicit analysis with enhanced hourglass control.

Transferring results from one Abaqus/Standard analysis to another Abaqus/Standard analysis

Elements tested


Problem description

Specifying section properties for shell elements using the general shell section definition is verified in the following tests, which involve a sequential transfer from one Abaqus/Standard analysis to another. During the first analysis the element is subjected to simple shear by monotonically increasing loads during a static procedure. The results from the end of the first analysis are transferred to a second analysis. During the second analysis a new element is defined and both elements are subjected to the same final loads in a static step. The material state is imported, and the reference configuration is not updated. The material parameter is used to define linear isotropic elastic behavior for a general shell section. The composite parameter is used to define orthotropic elastic properties for a shell composed of different linear elastic layers.

The following linear elastic properties are used (the units are not important):

E1 = 200 × 109
ν = 0.3
Density = 7850.

The orthotropic material properties are

E1 = 200 × 109
E2 = 100 × 109
E3 = 100 × 109
ν12 = 0.3
ν13 = 0.23
ν23 = 0.34
G12 = 76.9 × 109
G13 = 76.9 × 109
G23 = 9.0 × 109
Density = 7850.

Verification tests of the enhanced hourglass control method are also included.

Results and discussion

The results of this analysis demonstrate that section properties specified using the general shell section definition transferred correctly from one Abaqus/Standard analysis to another.

Input files

The material properties are specified:

First Abaqus/Standard analysis.


First Abaqus/Standard analysis with enhanced hourglass control.


Second Abaqus/Standard analysis.


Second Abaqus/Standard analysis with enhanced hourglass control.

The equivalent section properties are input directly and the section stiffness matrix is based on the linear elastic properties given above:

First Abaqus/Standard analysis.


First Abaqus/Standard analysis with enhanced hourglass control.


Second Abaqus/Standard analysis.


Second Abaqus/Standard analysis with enhanced hourglass control.

The material properties of the layers are specified:

First Abaqus/Standard analysis.


First Abaqus/Standard analysis with enhanced hourglass control.


Second Abaqus/Standard analysis.


Second Abaqus/Standard analysis with enhanced hourglass control.