Modal dynamic analysis with baseline correction

This problem contains basic test cases for one or more Abaqus elements and features.

This page discusses:


Elements tested



Features tested

Baseline correction of simple accelerogram record.

Primary and secondary base motions.

Problem description

The first example (pmodbase.inp, pmodbas2.inp, and pmodbas2a.inp) is a modal dynamic, time history analysis that is performed on a one-element cantilever structure using a B23 element. As the base motion record, a simple sine-shaped accelerogram is assumed for the time of one sine period. The record is corrected for the total time of the record duration. The choice of the base motion record as a sine function allows the analytical calculation of the parabolic correction to the record using the formulæ from Baseline correction of accelerograms. The values of the three constants for the parabolic correction are c1 = −0.8308, c2 = 0.4207, and c3 = 2.1717; and the corrected accelerogram is


where 0<t<2π. Integrating twice gives the corresponding displacement record:


The second example (pmodbas3.inp and pmodbas4.inp) illustrates the application of multiple base motions in a time history modal dynamic analysis in which part of the structure is fixed while another part of it is subjected to excitation. The structure analyzed is a quarter-symmetry axisymmetric model of a cylinder made of rubberlike material. An 8 × 8 mesh with CAX4H elements is employed for the analysis. The structure is first preloaded in compression statically in the axial direction by a rigid platen, which is modeled as a rigid surface in pmodbas3.inp and as a rigid body in pmodbas4.inp; perfect bonding between the platen and the top surface of the cylinder is assumed. The response to applied axial (acceleration) excitation at the rigid surface reference node is sought. The acceleration records are the same as those used in the first problem. Since both fixed boundary conditions and applied acceleration boundary conditions occur in the same global (axial) direction in different parts of the structure, we treat the fixed boundary conditions as a primary base motion and the applied accelerations as a secondary base motion.

Results and discussion

The results for the first example are confirmed by running the input files pmodbase.inp, pmodbas2.inp, and pmodbas2a.inp and postprocessing the results file output. Although the three models differ in their “base” organizations—namely, the base in the first input file is handled as a primary base and that in the second and third input files is handled as a secondary base—the results they generate are identical. The plot of the total displacement of the cantilever tip will show the considerable difference between the uncorrected and corrected records.

The results obtained for the second example by the two different input files, pmodbas3.inp and pmodbas4.inp, are the same.