Elements tested
- B21
- B21H
- B22
- B22H
- B23
- B23H
- B31
- B31H
- B31OS
- B31OSH
- B32
- B32H
- B32OS
- B32OSH
- B33
- B33H
- PIPE21
- PIPE22
- PIPE31
- PIPE32
- S4
- S4R
- S4R5
- S8R
- S8R5
- S9R5
- STRI65
ProductsAbaqus/StandardAbaqus/Explicit Elements tested
Problem descriptionMaterial:Linear elastic, Young's modulus = 30 × 106. Boundary conditions:End A is clamped, at end C. Loading:25.0 at end C. Section properties0.25, 0, 1.0 × 106, 0.01041667. For B23, B23H, B33, B33H, and STRI3 elements, different values of are used: vertical members, 5.208 × 10−3, horizontal members, 1.0 × 10−6. For pipe elements a circular cross-section of outer radius 0.5 and wall thickness 0.05 is used. Five pipe elements are used along segment AB. A single linear beam element is used along BC with section properties as defined above. In Abaqus/Explicit the loading is applied using a smooth step amplitude to achieve a nearly static response at steady state, similar to that in Abaqus/Standard. RemarksNormal definitions written to the output file by the analysis input file processor are all correct. Reference solutionDisplacements: . For shear flexible elements properties have been defined such that the first term is negligible. For Love-Kirchhoff (cubic) elements the second term does not apply. Results and discussion
Due to the lack of symmetry for triangular meshes, the displacements at the nodes that are at point B differ slightly. The maximum values are documented here. For pipe elements in Abaqus/Explicit the results are very close to those obtained with Abaqus/Standard; the small differences can be attributed to steady-state oscillations. Input files