One-element tests
Elements tested
Features tested
Mode-based steady-state dynamic step using the eigensolution computed by the AMS eigensolver for a system with material damping, global damping, and the damping controls option.
Problem description
The two-dimensional model consists of a linear element of unit length with material damping. The nodes at the bottom (y = 0.0) are constrained, and real and imaginary parts of the concentrated loads are applied to the nodes at the top (y = 1.0) . The three-dimensional model is used for testing the selecting eigenmodes and selective modal recovery features.
Results and discussion
The nodal variables at the requested frequency obtained by both the mode-based steady-state dynamic analysis procedure using the AMS eigensolver and the subspace-based steady-state dynamic analysis procedure using the Lanczos eigensolver are identical.
Input files
- ssd_ams_1cpe4.inp
Mode-based steady-state dynamic analysis using the AMS eigensolver (CPE4).
- ssd_lnz_1cpe4.inp
Subspace-based steady-state dynamic analysis using the Lanczos eigensolver (CPE4).
- ssd_lnz_1cpe4_sdamp.inp
Mode-based steady-state dynamic analysis using the Lanczos eigensolver (CPE4) including global damping and damping controls.
- ssd_ams_1c3d8.inp
Mode-based steady-state dynamic analysis using the AMS eigensolver (C3D8). Global damping and damping controls tested.
- ssd_lnz_1c3d8.inp
Subspace-based steady-state dynamic analysis using the Lanczos eigensolver (C3D8).