- xtie_solid.inp
Tie solid elements with surfaces defined in different ways.
- xtie_solid_combine.inp
Tie solid elements with surfaces combined.
- xtie_shell.inp
Tie shell elements with surfaces defined in different ways.
- xtie_shell_norot.inp
Tie shell elements with surfaces defined in different ways. The rotational degrees of freedom are not tied.
- xtie_shell_beam.inp
Tie beam and shell elements together.
- xtie_solid_shell.inp
Tie solid and shell elements together.
- xtie_shell_shell.inp
Tie two shell elements that are perpendicular to each other.
- xtie_shell_shell_norot.inp
Tie two shell elements that are perpendicular to each other. The rotational degrees of freedom are not tied.
- xtie_shell_shell_nothick.inp
Tie two shell elements that are perpendicular to each other without accounting for the shell thickness.
- xtie_shell_shell_offset.inp
Tie shell elements defined using shell offset.
- xtie_c3d20_c3d8.inp
Tie second-order and first-order solid elements together.
- xtie_cax4_sax1.inp
Tie first-order axisymmetric solid and shell elements together.
- xtie_cax8_sax2.inp
Tie second-order axisymmetric solid and shell elements together.
- xtie_r2d2.inp
Tie two-dimensional solid elements to a surface defined by a rigid element.
- xtie_r3d4.inp
Tie three-dimensional solid elements to a surface defined by a rigid element.
- xtie_rigid2d.inp
Tie two-dimensional solid elements to an analytical rigid surface.
- xtie_rigid3d.inp
Tie three-dimensional solid elements to an analytical rigid surface.
- xtie_elec_heat.inp
Tie elements in a coupled electrical-heat analysis.
- xtie_shell_axisy_heat.inp
Tie two axisymmetric shell elements in a heat transfer analysis.
- xtie_shell_heat.inp
Tie two shell elements in a heat transfer analysis.
- xtie_shell_solid_axisy_heat.inp
Tie axisymmetric shell and solid elements together in a heat transfer analysis.
- xtie_shell_solid_heat.inp
Tie shell and solid elements together in a heat transfer analysis.
- xtie_shell_axisy_couple.inp
Tie axisymmetric shell elements in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_shell_couple.inp
Tie two shell elements in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_shell_solid_axisy_couple.inp
Tie axisymmetric shell and solid elements together in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_shell_solid_couple.inp
Tie shell and solid elements together in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_s4t.inp
Tie S4T elements together in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_s4rt.inp
Tie S4RT elements together in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_s3rt.inp
Tie S3RT elements together in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_cpe3t.inp
Tie CPE3T elements together in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_cps3t.inp
Tie CPS3T elements together in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_cax3t.inp
Tie CAX3T elements together in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_c3d4t.inp
Tie C3D4T elements together in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_c3d6t.inp
Tie C3D6T elements together in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_sc6rt.inp
Tie SC6RT elements together in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_sc8rt.inp
Tie SC8RT elements together in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_cpe4p.inp
Tie CPE4P elements with the surfaces defined in different ways.
- xtie_cpe8p.inp
Tie CPE8P elements with the surfaces defined in different ways.
- xtie_cpe6mp.inp
Tie CPE6MP elements with the surfaces defined in different ways.
- xtie_c3d8p.inp
Tie C3D8P elements with the surfaces defined in different ways.
- xtie_c3d10mp.inp
Tie C3D10MP elements with the surfaces defined in different ways.
- xtie_c3d20p.inp
Tie C3D20P elements with the surfaces defined in different ways.
- xtie_piezo.inp
Tie continuum and piezoelectric elements.
- xtie_rigid_couple.inp
Tie a three-dimensional element to a rigid surface in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_analyt_rigid_couple.inp
Tie a three-dimensional element to an analytical rigid surface in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_solid_2d_2ties.inp
Use two pairs of tie constraints in two dimensions.
- xtie_solid_3d_5ties.inp
Use five pairs of tie constraints in three dimensions.
- xtie_cax8t_sax2t_cax8t.inp
Tie a SAX2T element with two CAX8T elements in a coupled thermal-stress analysis.
- xtie_cax8_max2_cax8.inp
Tie a MAX2 element with two CAX8 elements.
- xtie_isolated_nodes.inp
Tie two-dimensional elements to isolated nodes.
- ec234afat.inp
AC2D3 and CPS4 elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis.
- ec244afat.inp
AC2D4 and CPS4 elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis.
- ec264afat.inp
AC2D6 and
CPS4 elements in a
coupled acoustic-solid analysis (acoustic secondary-only case).
- ec268afat.inp
AC2D6 and CPS8 elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis.
- ec284afat.inp
AC2D8 and
CPS4 elements in a
coupled acoustic-solid analysis (acoustic secondary-only case).
- ec288afat.inp
AC2D8 and CPS8 elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis.
- ec348afat.inp
AC3D4 and C3D8 elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis.
- ec358afat.inp
AC3D5 and C3D8 elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis.
- ec368afat.inp
AC3D6 and C3D8 elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis.
- ec388afat.inp
AC3D8 and C3D8 elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis.
- ec3a8afat.inp
AC3D10 and
C3D8 elements in a
coupled acoustic-solid analysis (acoustic secondary-only case).
- ec3afafat.inp
AC3D10 and C3D15 elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis.
- ec3f8afat.inp
AC3D15 and
C3D8 elements in a
coupled acoustic-solid analysis (acoustic secondary-only case).
- ec3ffafat.inp
AC3D15 and C3D15 elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis.
- ec3k8afat.inp
AC3D20 and
C3D8 elements in a
coupled acoustic-solid analysis (acoustic secondary-only case).
- ec3kkafat.inp
AC3D20 and C3D20 elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis.
- eca34afat.inp
ACAX3 and CAX4 elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis.
- eca44afat.inp
ACAX4 and CAX4 elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis.
- eca64afat.inp
ACAX6 and
CAX4 elements in a
coupled acoustic-solid analysis (acoustic secondary-only case).
- eca68afat.inp
ACAX6 and CAX8 elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis.
- eca84afat.inp
ACAX8 and
CAX4 elements in a
coupled acoustic-solid analysis (acoustic secondary-only case).
- eca88afat.inp
ACAX8 and CAX8 elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis.
- tie_moddyn_ac2d3.inp
AC2D3 and CPS4R elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis using the DYNAMIC and MODAL DYNAMIC analysis types.
- tie_moddyn_ac2d4.inp
AC2D4 and CPS4R elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis using the DYNAMIC and MODAL DYNAMIC analysis types.
- tie_moddyn_ac3d4.inp
AC3D4 and C3D8R elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis using the DYNAMIC and MODAL DYNAMIC analysis types.
- tie_moddyn_ac3d5.inp
AC3D5 and C3D8R elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis using the DYNAMIC and MODAL DYNAMIC analysis types.
- tie_moddyn_ac3d6.inp
AC3D6 and C3D8R elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis using the DYNAMIC and MODAL DYNAMIC analysis types.
- tie_moddyn_ac3d8.inp
AC3D8 and C3D8R elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis using the DYNAMIC and MODAL DYNAMIC analysis types.
- tie_moddyn_acax3.inp
ACAX3 and CAX4R elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis using the DYNAMIC and MODAL DYNAMIC analysis types.
- tie_moddyn_acax4.inp
ACAX4 and CAX4R elements in a coupled acoustic-solid analysis using the DYNAMIC and MODAL DYNAMIC analysis types.
- tie_shell_cgax4.inp
Test tie between SAX1 element and
CGAX4 element for
rotation when the secondary and main surfaces are apart.
- tie_beam_cps4.inp
Test tie between B21 element and
CPS4 element for
rotation when the secondary and main surfaces are apart.
- tie_beam_memb.inp
Test tie between B31 element and
M3D4 element for
rotation when the secondary and main surfaces are apart.
- tie_beam_surf.inp
Test tie between B31 element and
SFM3D4 element for
rotation when the secondary and main surfaces are apart.
- tie_cps4_beam.inp
Test tie between CPS4 element and
B21 element when
CPS4 is the main and
the secondary and main surfaces are apart.
- tie_cax4_shell.inp
Test tie between SAX1 element and
CAX4 element when
CAX4 is the main and
the secondary and main surfaces are apart.
- tie_c3d8_shell.inp
Test tie between C3D8 element and
S4R element when
C3D8 is the main and
the secondary and main surfaces are apart.
- tie_shell_shell_constraint.inp
Test tie between S4R element and S4R element when the CONSTRAINT RATIO parameter is specified.
- tie_acoinf_edge.inp
Test edge-to-edge tie for ACIN3D4 elements.
- tie_memb_memb_edge.inp
Test edge-to-edge tie for M3D4 elements.
- tie_memb_rigid_edge.inp
Test edge-to-edge tie between M3D4 and R3D4 elements.
- tie_shell_shell_edge.inp
Test edge-to-edge tie for S8R elements.
- tie_surf_surf_edge.inp
Test edge-to-edge tie for SFM3D4 elements.
- ctp_tie.inp
Test surface tie for C3D8PT elements.
- ctp_tie_nodesurf.inp
Test nodal surface tie for C3D8PT elements.