This problem contains basic test cases for one or more Abaqus elements and features.


User subroutine UAMP provides the user with a very general option to interface with the code. With any use of this subroutine interface, extensive verification should be done to make sure that the results are correct.

This page discusses:


Features tested

User subroutine UAMP to define amplitudes.

Problem description

The finite element models for most test cases consist of simple linear truss or connector elements. User subroutine UAMP is used to define amplitudes that are subsequently used to drive certain loading options such as concentrated loads, boundary conditions, and connector motions. In most cases, the UAMP user-defined amplitudes are simple linear ramps. The results from the analyses are compared against reference results obtained using identical models with equivalent tabular amplitude definitions.

User subroutine UAMP can make use of sensor definitions and of state variables, and a number of tests exercise these features. In certain tests (such as when a user-defined amplitude is used to drive the displacement boundary condition) the user subroutine may compute derivatives, integrals, and second derivatives of the amplitude function being defined.

Results and discussion

The verification consists of comparing the results obtained from the model using user-defined amplitudes with the corresponding model using tabular amplitudes. The results match very well, as expected.

Input files


Concentrated load force scaled by an amplitude defined in user subroutine UAMP in uamp_ramp_simple.f.


Displacement boundary condition scaled by an amplitude defined in user subroutine UAMP in uamp_ramp_simple.f.


Displacement boundary condition in a restart analysis scaled by an amplitude defined in user subroutine UAMP in uamp_ramp_simple.f.


Velocity boundary condition scaled by an amplitude defined in user subroutine UAMP in uamp_ramp_simple.f.


Acceleration boundary condition scaled by an amplitude defined in user subroutine UAMP in uamp_ramp_simple.f.


Displacement connector motion scaled by an amplitude defined in user subroutine UAMP in uamp_ramp_simple.f.


User subroutine UAMP defining a simple ramp amplitude using state variables.


Concentrated load force scaled by an amplitude defined in user subroutine UAMP in uamp_ramp_state.f.


Displacement connector motion scaled by an amplitude defined in user subroutine UAMP in uamp_ramp_state.f.


User subroutine UAMP defining a simple ramp amplitude using state variables.


Displacement connector motion scaled by an amplitude defined in user subroutine UAMP in uamp_deriv.f.


User subroutine UAMP defining cubic function amplitude, which also computes derivatives.


Displacement connector motion scaled by an amplitude defined in user subroutine UAMP in uamp_ramp_sensor.f.


User subroutine UAMP defining a simple ramp amplitude using sensors.


Displacement connector motion scaled by an amplitude defined in user subroutine UAMP in uamp_manysensors.f.


User subroutine UAMP defining a simple ramp amplitude using sensors.