Elements tested
- C3D8
- C3D8RH
- CPE4
- CPS4
Products Abaqus/Standard Elements tested
Problem descriptionThis set of verification problems tests the correctness of the results obtained using user subroutine UHYPER_STRETCH for various element types and loading paths. In addition, it tests the variables passed into UHYPER_STRETCH and the usage of the property table in UHYPER_STRETCH. Each test consists of two coincident elements. Both elements use the same material model and are subject to identical load histories. One of the elements is a reference element with the hyperelastic behavior specified using either a native Abaqus hyperelastic model (neo-Hookean or polynomial [N=2] model) or user subroutine UHYPER. The same material response is specified in the second element using user subroutine UHYPER_STRETCH. Four different sets of material data are used. All the materials and their coefficients are chosen such that they can be expressed in the Valanis-Landel form (see Valanis-Landel Form), which is the required form by user subroutine UHYPER_STRETCH. Material 1:Neo-Hookean hyperelastic material.
Material 2:Polynomial (N=2) isotropic hyperelastic behavior.
Material 3:Polynomial (N=2) isotropic hyperelastic behavior with temperature-dependent coefficients.
Material 4:Polynomial (N=2) isotropic hyperelastic behavior with field variable-dependent coefficients.
Results and discussionThe tests in this section are set up as cases of homogeneous deformation. In each case, the results in the testing elements obtained using user subroutine UHYPER_STRETCH match the results in the reference element obtained using either user subroutine UHYPER or a native Abaqus hyperelastic model. Input files