Nonuniform body forces
Elements tested
- CPE3
- CPS3
- CAX3
- C3D4
- C3D6
- C3D8R
- M3D3
- M3D4R
- SAX1
- S3R
- S4R
- T2D2
- T3D2
Features tested
Nonuniform body forces.
Problem description
In this verification test all the available element types are tested by loading them with a nonuniform body force. All the element nodes are fixed in position, and the reaction forces generated at the nodes are used to verify the element load calculations. The purpose of this test is to verify the element load calculations, not to test all the capabilities of user subroutine VDLOAD.
The material model is isotropic linear elasticity. The material properties used are defined as follows: Young's modulus = 193.1 × 109, Poisson's ratio = 0.3, and density = 785.
In the first step a nonuniform body force of 1.0 × 105 is applied in the x-direction for all the elements except the axisymmetric elements, where it is applied in the r-direction. The amplitude function for this nonuniform body force is defined such that the load is ramped on over the first half of the step and held constant for the rest of the analysis. In the second step another nonuniform body force of 1.0 × 105 is applied in the y-direction for all the elements except the axisymmetric elements, where it is applied in the z-direction. This load is applied using the same amplitude function that was used in the first step. For C3D4, C3D6, C3D8R, S3R, S4R, M3D3, and M3D4R elements, another nonuniform body force of 1.0 × 105 is applied in the z-direction in a third step. This load also has the same amplitude function that was used in the first step.
Results and discussion
The results for all of the elements agree with the analytical values, which are included at the top of the input file.
Input files
- element_nbody.inp
Input data used for this test.
- element_nbody.f
User subroutine used for this test.