This problem contains basic test cases for one or more Abaqus elements and features.

This page discusses:


Features tested

User subroutine VWAVE is used to specify wave kinematics for an Abaqus/Aqua analysis through Abaqus/Explicit.


Elements tested



Problem description

Verification problem pb_vwave-airy-period_p31_xpl.inp is identical to pb_airy_p31_xpl.inp as described in Dynamic pressure, closed-end buoyancy loads. It tests the dynamic pressure implementation and closed-end buoyancy loading for Airy waves coded in user subroutine VWAVE. In this problem a vertical pile is fully constrained and subjected to buoyancy loading. Airy wave theory is used to calculate the total reaction force on the structure during a dynamic analysis. Distributed load type PB is used with a 50-element (PIPE31) model, and concentrated load type TSB is used with a one-element (B31) model.


Height of the structure 175.0 (100.0 below and 75.0 above mean water elevation)
Pipe section data r = 1.0, t = 0.25


Young's modulus 1 × 106


Seabed elevation 100.0
Mean water elevation 1100.0
Gravitational constant 32.2
Fluid mass density 2.0

Results and discussion

The results are identical to those calculated in pb_airy_p31_xpl.inp and agree well with the analytically determined peak total reaction force.

Input files


Input file for this analysis.


Same analysis, but the corresponding wave length is specified instead of the wave period.


User subroutine VWAVE used for pb_vwave-airy-period_p31_xpl.inp and pb_vwave-airy-length_p31_xpl.inp.


The wave length calculation from the wave period might be expensive. This optimized input file calculates the wave length once initially and stores the wave parameters appropriately for subsequent usage.


User subroutine VWAVE used for pb_vwave-airy-period-opt_p31_xpl.inp.


Elements tested



Problem description

Verification problem pb_vwave-airy-period_p21_xpl.inp is identical to pb_airy_p21_xpl.inp as described in Dynamic pressure, closed-end buoyancy loads. It tests the dynamic pressure implementation and closed-end buoyancy loading for Airy waves coded in user subroutine VWAVE. In this problem a vertical pile is fully constrained and subjected to buoyancy loading. Airy wave theory is used to calculate the total reaction force on the structure during a dynamic analysis. Distributed load type PB is used with a 50-element (PIPE21) model, and concentrated load type TSB is used with a one-element (B21) model.


Height of the structure 175.0 (100.0 below and 75.0 above mean water elevation)
Pipe section data r = 1.0, t = 0.25


Young's modulus 1 × 106


Seabed elevation 100.0
Mean water elevation 1100.0
Gravitational constant 32.2
Fluid mass density 2.0

Results and discussion

The results are identical to those calculated in pb_airy_p21_xpl.inp and agree well with the analytically determined peak total reaction force.

Input files


Input file for this analysis.


Same analysis, but the corresponding wave length is specified instead of the wave period.


User subroutine VWAVE used for pb_vwave-airy-period_p21_xpl.inp and pb_vwave-airy-length_p21_xpl.inp.


The wave length calculation from the wave period might be expensive. This optimized input file calculates the wave length once initially and stores the wave parameters appropriately for subsequent usage.


User subroutine VWAVE used for pb_vwave-airy-period-opt_p21_xpl.inp.