Creating Structure Sections

Creating Custom Sections

You can create custom profiles from sketches and save them as sections.

Before you begin: Create a closed sketch at the origin on the XY plane.

  1. From the Structure section of the action bar, click Structure Section .
  2. In the Structure Section Manager dialog box, click New Section .
  3. From the Standard list, select New Standard and in the Standard title, specify a name.

    You can add a new custom section to an existing standard.

  4. From the Profile list, select New profile and in the Profile name, specify a name.
  5. From the Profile type list, select Custom Profile or click .
  6. From the Design Manager tree, select an existing sketch.

    Alternatively from the work area you can select a sketch.

    The name of the selected sketch appears in the Profile Sketch field of the dialog box.
  7. Specify Size Name for the new profile.
  8. Optional: Click Custom Pierce Points to specify custom points.

    1. Click Add Pierce Point.
    2. Under Pierce Point 1, click in the Name field and specify a name for the first pierce point.
    3. From the work area, select a sketch point.

      You can specify multiple pierce points.

  9. Optional: Click Save and Continue to save the changes and continue to add new custom profiles.
  10. Click .
