Creating Point-Based Members

You can create members starting at a point and ending at a specified distance, plane, or point.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
  1. From the Tools section of the action bar, click Update Standard Section Library to update the profile library.
  2. From the Structure section of the action bar, click Structure Section Manager to create a standard or custom profile. See Creating Structure Sections, Creating Custom Sections.
  3. Open a physical product containing sketch points.
  1. From the Structure section of the action bar, click Point Based Member .
    • The Point Based Member dialog box appears.
    • A flag component containing shortcut menus for all the dialog box options appears in the work area.

      Click and drag to reposition the toolbar.

  2. In the dialog box, from the Member parameter list, select one of the following.
    Point - Length Creates members starting at a point and extends up to the specified length. See Point to Length.
    Point to Point Creates members starting at a point and extends up to point. See Point to Point.
    Point up to plane Creates members starting at a point and extends up a plane. See Point up to Plane.
  3. Under Profile, from the Profile Source list, select one of the following:
    • Standards: Uses a Standard section profile for creating members.
    • Custom: Uses a Custom profile for creating members.
      Note: You can create a custom profile using the Structure Section Manager feature. See Creating Custom Sections.
  4. From the Standard list, select a standard.

    The Standard list displays the standard sections that are imported from the standard section library.

    DSC Derived from CISC standards
    DSE Derived from European standards
    DSA Derived from AISC standards
  5. From the Type list, select a profile shape to apply to the member.
  6. Click to refresh the existing standard and custom profile sections in the library.
  7. From the Size list, select a size for the profile shape.

    Alternatively, type in the size field and select the required size.

  8. Under Orientation, specify a rotation Angle for the selected profile.
  9. Optional: From the Pierce Point list, select a position for a member relative to its reference.

    The list displays all the default and custom pierce point options. You can define custom pierce points for standard and custom profiles. See, Creating Structure Sections and Creating Custom Sections.

  10. Optional: Move the Display pierce points slider to enable the preview of pierce points in the work area.

    Alternatively, in the work area, from the shortcut toolbar, click Display pierce points .

  11. In the dialog box, click Advanced and do the following:

    1. Specify the Start and End offset values for members.

      Alternatively, from the work area, adjust the offset values.

      To specify the offset values for a specific member, from the dialog box, select a member and edit the properties.

    2. Click to reverse the direction of the offsets.
    3. From the Pierce Point list, select a position for a member relative to its reference.

      Alternatively, use the shortcut toolbar in the work area to specify the Pierce Point .

  12. Optional: Click Create as a new structure system to add a member to the new structure system and specify the name for the new structure system.

    This option is available after you create the first member.

  13. Click .

Point to Length

  1. In the Point Based Member dialog box, from the Member parameter list, select the Point-Length option.
  2. Click Start Points and from the work area, select a start point, reference point, or model vertex.
  3. In the Distance field, specify the member length.

    Alternatively, from the work area, use the arrows to adjust the length.

  4. Click to reverse the direction of the length.
  5. Click Direction of member and select a plane, face, or an edge to specify the direction of a member.

    Note: If you select a model vertex or reference point as a starting point, then you must specify a direction for the member.

  6. Specify values for the Profile and Advanced options.
  7. Click .

Point to Point

  1. In the Point Based Member dialog box, from the Member parameter list, select the Point to Point option.
  2. Click Start and End points and from the work area, select one or more pairs of sketch points, references points, or model vertices.
    A preview of members between the selected points appears in the work area.
  3. Select the Chain Selection check box to create members in series.
  4. Specify values for the Profile and Advanced options.
  5. Click .

Point up to Plane

  1. In the Point Based Member dialog box, from the Member parameter list, select the Point up to Length option.
  2. Click Start Points and from the work area, select a start point for creating a member.
  3. Click End Plane and from the work area, select a plane.
  4. Click Direction of member and select a plane, face, or an edge to specify the direction of a member.
  5. Specify values for the Profile and Advanced options.
  6. Click .