Editing Members

You can change the properties of an existing member in a structure system.

Before you begin: Open a physical product containing one or more structural members.
  1. In the work area, right-click a member to edit.

    Alternatively, from the Design Manager Tree, right-click the member. You can Ctrl + select multiple members to edit.

  2. From the context toolbar, click .
    • The Structure Member dialog box opens.
    • The selected member is highlighted in the work area.
    • A flag component containing shortcut menus for all the dialog box options appears in the work area.

      Click and drag to reposition the toolbar.

    • The dialog box displays options specific to the feature that was used to create the member.

    Note: If you select multiple members to edit, the dialog box displays all the selected members in the Members field. In the dialog box, if you click a specific member, the options specific to that member become available. For example, if you click a member that is created using the Between Members feature, the dialog box displays options specific that feature.

  3. In the dialog box, edit the member properties.
  4. Edit the Profile and Advance properties for the selected member.

    Alternatively, in the work area, from the shortcut toolbar, specify the properties for the member.

    Note: You can select multiple members in the work area or Design Manager Tree for editing. All the selected members appear in the Members field of the dialog box. If you click a specific member in the Members field, all the properties are applied to that member only.

  5. Click .