Creating Cut Lists

Exporting a Cut List

You can export the details of all the members in the CSV format.

Before you begin:
  1. Open a structural shape containing at least one member.
  2. Use the Cut List feature.
  1. In the Cut-List Properties dialog box, click Export Table.
  2. In the Export Table tab, under Destination, select one of the following.
    File on disk You can export the file to a storage device on your local system.

    In the Location, browse for a file on your system.

    3DDrive You can export the file to a 3DEXPERIENCE cloud location that you have access to such as a 3DDrive. Within the 3DDrive, you have the option to export the file your folder or to a shared folder. Click the folder to select a 3DDrive and path.

    When you have 3DDrive selected, the Get link to file in 3DDrive option is displayed. Select Get link to file in 3DDrive to copy the 3DDrive link. You can paste this link in a file or email. If the recipient has access to the folder, they can use the link to access that exported file.

    Note: For more information see, User Assistance> Social and Collaborative > 3DDrive.
  3. In the File Name, edit the name of the file that you want to export.
    The default file name is similar to the file name displayed in the Design Manager.
  4. Click Export.