Updating Standard Sections Library

You can import the latest standard section profiles from the collaborative space into the current session of the app. You can use these profiles for creating the structural members.

Before you begin:
  • You must log in to the app with the Owner or Leader role.
  • If you log in to the app as Owner, create a collaborative space.
  • If you log in to the app as Reader, request for the Owner or Leader access to the collaborative space administrator.
  1. From the Tools section of the action bar, click Update Standard Section Library .
  2. In the dialog box, from the Library Standard List, select DSA.
  3. Click Upload.

    • You can update the library for one standard section at a time.
    • You must have the owner or leader role access to update the standard section library.
    • You can use the updated standard section profiles for creating members.

If you use the Structure Section feature on the Structure section of the action bar after updating the library, it takes a while to load the latest profiles.