From the Sketch section of the action bar,
click Point
to specify a plate location in the work area.
From the Features section of the action bar,
click Axis system
In the work area,
select a point to specify the location for the Axis System.
From the Structure section of the action bar,
click Plate
In the dialog box, under Predefined, click Axis
From the Design Manager Tree or work area,
select the Axis System.
The axis system appears in the Plate dialog box and work area.
To place a plate at the proper location between members, define all
the axes in the axis system correctly. The X and Y axes define the horizontal and
vertical lengths of a plate and the Z axis defines a direction for thickness.
From the Profile Source list, select
to refresh the
custom profiles in the library.
From the Profile list, select a custom plate to add it at a
location where the axis system is present in the work area
In the dialog box, under Thickness, from the
Thickness direction list, specify the direction for the plate.
See Thickness Direction Options.
Alternatively, from the work area,
use the shortcut menu to adjust the direction of the thickness.
Specify a thickness value for the plate in the Overall thickness
Alternatively, from the work area,
use handles.
Under Cutouts, click Propagate holes to
add custom plate cutout contours at the specified location of a member.
From the Design Manager tree or work area,
select members to cut with the specified cutout profile.
The selected members appear in the Target members
- Optional:
Move the Preview cutouts slider to enable the preview of cut on
the target members.
to create
A custom plate with cutout is added to the specified location of the member.