Specify the Definition Properties
From the Mechanism section of the action bar, click Joint
In the dialog box, select Spherical
from the
list of joint types.
Select the two markers between which to
create the joint.
Click the From
field and
select a marker in the work area.
Click the To marker
field and
select a marker in the work area.
- Optional: In the States table, specify values to control the joint motion. To do so, in each row:
- Select the cell corresponding to the value to define.
- Select the check box under the table.
The cell appears in blue and becomes editable.  - Double-click the cell and specify the value by entering a value or by using the arrows.
Cells with values set manually appear with a yellow background.

- Each row corresponds to a translation or rotation degree of freedom. The number of rows depend on the joint type.
- If the lower and upper limits are not applicable, no check box appears in the corresponding row or column.
Specify the Conic Properties
In the Conic limit section of the dialog box,
select the Enabled check box to constraint the
angle between the cone axis and the tangent at the contact point (if the
tangent exists).
Specify a maximum angle value in degrees, between 0 deg and 180
- Select the cone axis on which to apply the upper bound.
Edit the Joint
To edit a joint, in the tree, do one of the following:
- Double-click a joint.
- Click a joint and select Edit
the context toolbar.
In the dialog box, edit the joint parameters.
- Click