Create Analysis Steps
Before you begin:
Before previewing or computing the simulation of a mechanism, specify
the following elements:
From the Simulation section of the action bar,
click Analysis Step
A new analysis step appears in the tree, under the current Analysis Case. -
In the Analysis Step dialog box, select the type of analysis
step to create:
Option Description Dynamics Defines a dynamic action during the simulation of the mechanism. Note: By default, a dynamic step is created.Kinematics Defines a kinematics action during the simulation of the mechanism. Note: Mass, moments of inertia, forces, and torques are not considered during the computation of a kinematic step. -
Select the type of simulation time.
Option Description Duration Number of seconds between the beginning and the end of the simulation step. End Time Number of seconds between the nominal time of the mechanism; that is 0s, and the end of the simulation step. - Enter a duration or end time value in seconds.
In the Result Output Settings section, select one of the
following sampling methods for the computation of the results:
Option Description Rate Frequency of the output expressed in Hz. Number of Points Number of equidistant points to create throughout the step. Step Size Size of the output interval for the time step. The step size is expressed in seconds. During the computation of the analysis case, the accuracy of the result interpolation depends on the output interval specified between time steps.
Tip: Enter a smaller step size to reduce the interval between two time steps during the computation and to obtain a more precise interpolation of the results. Note: You can also specify a smaller tolerance for dynamic simulations in the mechanism settings to obtain more accurate results during the computation. For more information, see Setting Mechanism Preferences.The computation time increases when you reduce the step size or increase the tolerance value for dynamics simulations.
- Enter a value for the selected sampling method.
Select the start time for the output sampling of the step.
Option Description Simulation start Starts the output sampling at the beginning of the simulation. Time Starts the output sampling at a specific time. Enter a value in seconds. -
Select the end time for the output sampling of the step.
Option Description Simulation end Stops the output sampling at the end of the simulation. Time Stops the output sampling at a specific time. Enter a value in seconds. -