Inserting Interfaces

Functional/logical interfaces enable data exchange between functional/logical instances.

This task shows you how to:

Insert New Functional Interface

You can insert a new functional interface.

  1. Select a function.
  2. From the Edition section of the action bar, click Insert New Interface .

    Tip: This command is also available from the context menu.

  3. In the Flow Reference tab:
    1. In the Title box, enter the title to be displayed in the tree and in the 2D representation.

      Note: The Name box displays the non-editable and unique key server identifier.

    2. Optional: Enter a description.
    3. In the Category list, select one of the following categories:

      • Data:This flow models the data exchange.
      • Control:This flow models the activation/deactivation of functions.

  4. In the Flow Interface Instance tab:
    1. Type a Flow Interface Instance Identifier.

      Tip: This identifier can be automatically generated. For more information, see Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Systems Architecture > Functional & Logical Design > General > Flow and Type Indentifiers.

    2. In the Interface Direction list, select one of the following directions: Consumption or Emission.
  5. Click OK to validate.
    The new functional interface appears in the 2D graph and in the Interfaces folder in the tree.

Insert New Logical Interface

You can insert a new logical interface.

  1. Select a logical component.
  2. From the Edition section of the action bar, click Insert New Interface .
    The New dialog box appears.
    Important: For more about the New content dialog box, see 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Creating New Content.

    For the purpose of this scenario, the Set attributes at creation option must be selected.

  3. Expand Logical and click System Type Reference.
  4. In the System Type Reference tab:
    1. In the Title box, enter the title to be displayed in the tree and in the 2D representation.

      Note: The Name box displays the non-editable and unique key server identifier.

    2. Optional: Enter a description.
  5. In the System Type Interface Instance tab:
    1. Enter a Type Interface Instance Identifier.

      Tip: This identifier can be automatically generated. For more information, see Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Systems Architecture > Functional & Logical Design > General > Flow and Type Indentifiers.

    2. In the Interface Direction list, select one of the following directions:
    • In
    • Out
    • InOut
    • NoDirection.
  6. Click OK to validate.
    The new logical interface appears in the 2D graph and in the Interfaces folder in the tree.

Insert Existing Interface

You can insert an existing interface in an instance. The scenario is identical for functions and logical components.

  1. Select an instance.
  2. From the Edition section of the action bar, click Insert Existing Interface .
    The Select an existing Flow/Type dialog box appears.

    A message appears asking you to either:

    • Select an object in the tree or in the work area. A Filter symbol appears under your pointer to let you select the object in the session.
    • Run a query using the Search field. The Search Results panel lets you select the existing object.

  3. Browse to select the object you want to insert then click OK.
  4. In the Flow/Type Interface Instance dialog box:
    1. Enter a Flow/Type Interface Instance Identifier.

      Tip: This identifier can be automatically generated. For more information, see Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Systems Architecture > Functional & Logical Design > General > Flow and Type Indentifiers.

    2. In the Interface Direction list, select a direction.
  5. Click OK to validate.
    The existing interface is inserted. The object appears in the 2D graph and in the Interfaces folder in the tree.