Replacing by a New Major Revision

You can replace the current revision by a new revision.

Note: In Systems Architecture Design, there is no minor revision.

You can replace the revision of the following objects:

  • Requirement
  • Function or logical component
  • Functional or logical behavior representation
  • Picture
  • 3D representation
  • Sheet under a layout
  • View under a sheet

Before you begin:

To use this command, your object must be:

  • Saved
  • At the convenient maturity level

  1. Select a function or logical component.
  2. From the Edition section of the action bar, click By New Major Revision .
    At the end of the process, the Reroute Implement Relations dialog box appears to show you all implement relations you need to reroute.
    Important: You can reroute the following implement relations:
    • Implement relations (reference/reference) in which the replaced functional or logical component is implemented and not used as a context for contextual implement relation
    • Implement relations pointing ports, without context of the replaced component
  3. In the Reroute Implement Relations dialog box, click OK, to reroute all selected implement relations.

    Tip: By default, all implement relations are selected to be rerouted. To unselect the reroute of an implement relation, click on the corresponding line.