Select a functional reference, a logical reference, or a layout.
Click Insert New Sheet
In the PLM Sheet Reference dialog box, in the PLM Sheet Reference section, type:
- A Name
- Optional:
A Description
In the Standard options section:
- Select the standard you want to apply to your object.
- Manage the attributes of the selected standard.
- In the Sheet Style section, select the sheet format and the orientation of your frame and titleblock symbol.
When there are several symbols in Data Setup, the first is selected.
If existing, a symbol with the selected orientation and sheet format
is retrieved from the Diagram resources. The symbol is placed at the origin of the
background view. The table templates are linked with the sheet, the layout (if
existing), and the logical system containing the sheet.
When done, click OK.
The newly created sheet is displayed in the tree, under the corresponding functional or logical
reference, or under the corresponding layout.
The standard is linked to the created sheet.