Inserting Actor

You can insert an actor in a use case diagram view.

Before you begin:
  • Under the Functional node, create a function reference.
  • Under the function reference, create a use case diagram view and activate it.
  • Under the function reference, create another function reference.
Note: The use case can also be created under a logical reference. In this case, all the actors must be logical reference.
See Also
Creating Use Case Diagram View
  1. Select the last function reference you created.

    Note: To place several actors at the same time, multiselect the desired logical references.

  2. From the Use Case Diagram section of the action bar, click Actor Placement .

    Note: You can also drag the actor in the use case diagram.

  3. Click the use case diagram to place the actor.
    A context toolbar appears. It allows you to define the type of the actor to be created.
  4. In the context toolbar, select the type of the actor to be created:
    1. a human actor.
    2. a box.

      Note: If a picture is associated with the actor, it appears when the actor is placed in the use case diagram view. For more information about associating a picture to an actor, see Assigning a Picture to a 2D Representation.

    The actor is placed in the use case diagram view.
    • To change the type of actor after its placement, right-click the actor and select Change Actor Type.
    • To remove an actor from a use case diagram view, right-click the actor and select Remove from View.