Deleting Functional and Logical References from the Database

From the Search Results panel, you can delete from the database the following references:

  • Functions
  • Function representations
  • Flows
  • Logical components
  • Logical types
  • Logical representations
  • MUX/DEMUX (logical and functional)
  • Instances, ports, connections, picture references, related extensions and related stream descriptors and vaulted counterparts that are associated with the function or logical component.
  • Layouts, sheets and views
    Warning: To delete a function or logical component with its layout, sheet or view, you must first delete the layout, sheet or view, and then delete the functional or logical reference.

Tip: When you delete a reference from the database, the Whole Structure option enables you to delete all the objects in the expanded structure of the reference.

For more information about the Delete command, see Collaborative Lifecycle User's Guide: Managing Data in Session: Deleting Objects in Database.

See Also
Deleting Objects in Systems Architecture Design