Opening Requirements, Functions and Logical Components in RFLP

You can open a requirement, function or logical component in the convenient RFLP app (Functional & Logical Design or Systems Architecture Design). Note that the requirements, functions, and logical components are opened in the last used app which is compliant with an RFLP window.

See Also
Search Results Panel: Context Menus
From the Search Results panel (in the context menu) or from System Finder (Navigation section of the action bar), click:
Smart Open in RFLP Opens an object as root, with completion, and with a predefined configuration filter, if any.

The completion means that the object is opened along with its implement relation context. The reference-reference implement link is taken into account, and the implemented or implementing objects are also loaded. See Defining Traceability with Implement Relations.

  • If you have configured the selected object and created a predefined configuration filter in System Finder, the Select a Configuration dialog box appears. The configuration filter is applied to the object and to its implemented or implementing objects.

    For more information about predefined configuration filter, see System Finder User's Guide: Applying Predefined Configuration Filter.

  • In System Finder, the context menu does not display this command. This command appears only in the action bar.
Open Opens the selected object in RFLP.
Open Advanced Opens the selected object in RFLP, with advanced options.
Note: You can open the content in an existing tab or in a new tab. If you open a root with some children in a tab, and then open other children of the same root in another tab, both tabs display all the children from the existing and the new tab.

For more information, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps: About the Open Advanced... Command.