Exporting Functional or Logical Content to XML

You can export functional or logical models from your session to an XML file.

You can import the following elements:

  • Functional entities
  • Logical entities
  • Sequence diagram views
  • Hybrid sequence diagram views

  1. From the tree, select a reference or an instance.

    Tips: The command is also available for a multiselection objects and sequence diagram views.

  2. In Share > Export> Systems Architecture, click To XML.
  3. In the Export XML dialog box, type the Name and Path of the XML file you want to create.
  4. Optional: To export the implementing and implemented entities to the XML file, select Export Implementing/Implemented Entities.

    • The structures linked by a ref-ref link to a child of the selected root are not exported. Only the structures linked by a ref-ref link to the selected root(s) are exported.
    • If the selected reference contains a sequence diagram view, the Export Implementing/Implemented Entities option is not available.

  5. Click OK.

The XML file is created at the indicated location and associated to an Images folder. The Images folder contains all images attached to every instance of your model.