Choosing Preferences

You can customize your user experience.

  1. From the menu at the upper right corner, select Preferences .
  2. Set the Preferences according to your needs.
    Preferences Description

    Credentials are used inside the widget to apply rules and visibility on the data under manipulation. They also determine the location of new objects. They enable you to choose among all credentials available for the connected user on the current 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

    From the proposed list, select credentials. (The list is based on the credentials that are available to your user.)

    Automatically reload recent objects from last session

    Loads objects that were already loaded in the view after a refresh.

    By default, this option is deactivated.

    Show welcome panel on startup

    Lets you choose if you want to display the home page when you open the app.

    When you clear this option, you access the app directly.

    Note: This option is shared between the 2D and 3D widgets of the same app. If you change the preference in one widget, the change reflects on the other one.

    By default, this option is activated.

    Retrieve Instances Tags

    Retrieves and displays the Instance tags in addition to the Reference tags.

    By default, this option is activated.

  3. Click Save.