Specifies how to map the new DesignSync module property to the exported custom product attribute when creating a DesignSync module. The values, consisting of the following parts, are specified in a comma-separated list:<DesignSyncPropertyName> is the DesignSync property name on the module where the custom product attribute will be exported. These can contain internal spaces.<selectable> specifies the value of the custom product attribute for the DesignSync module property.
For example: emxSemiTeamCollab.Export.ExportableAttributes=BasePrice:attribute[Base Price].value, ModelName:to[Products].from.name After the successful export of the custom product attributes to DesignSync, the corresponding DesignSync module version and branch will have the property BasePrice (the value of which is provided from product attribute Base Price ) and the property ModelName (the value of which is equal to the product name).