Properties for User Input Options in Defect Management and Collaboration

These properties configure user input options available in Defect Management and Collaboration.

For more information, see Configuring User Input Options in Defect Management and Collaboration.

Property Name Property Description Valid Values
emxSemiTeamCollab.HDM.MaxProductNameDefines the maximum number of characters that can be used in a product name. The default value is 100.Positive integer
emxSemiTeamCollab.HDM.BadNameCharsDefines the characters that cannot be used in text fields. Removing any characters from the value could cause problems. The default value is \" # $ @ % * , ? \\\\ \\< \\> \\[ \\] \\|Valid characters
emxSemiTeamCollab.HDM.DefaultSelectorDefines the value used to pre-populate the Selector field in dialog boxes where the user needs to enter DesignSync details. The default value is Trunk:Latest.Valid selector
emxSemiTeamCollab.StoreSelectList.LimitDefines when the UI shows a drop-down list or the ellipsis button while selecting stores. If the number of stores is less than or equal to this number, a drop-down list is used; otherwise, an ellipsis button that calls a search page is used. The default value is 5.Positive integer