Basics: |
Title | Enter a title that briefly defines the defect. |
State | Choose the state the defect should be set to once created:State | Description |
Submit | You still need to gather additional details for the defect, but you want to enter the information you currently have. | Evaluate | You will enter all the needed details and the defect is ready for assessment once you click Done. |
Expected Completion Date | The date when all associated defect actions are complete and verified. |
Reported Against Model Version | Click the ellipsis button to search for and select the model version that the defect affects. If you started this procedure from a properties page for a model version or from an issue, the relevant model version is automatically listed here. |
Introduced In | Click the ellipsis button to select the first revision of the model version where the defect is thought to exist. |
Reporting Organization | By default, shows the organization associated with you (the person reporting the defect). Click the ellipsis button to select a different organization. |
When Found | Select an option from the drop-down menu to indicate the stage of the model version development process where the defect was discovered: - Development
- First Pass Test
- Second Pass Test
- Final Qualification
- After Release
- N/A
Type | For information only: shows the object type used to save the defect; cannot be changed. |
Policy | For information only: shows the policy used to govern the defect; cannot be changed. |
Details: |
Severity | Click the option that indicates how severe the defect is, where S0 is a showstopper and S3 is the least severe. |
Priority | Click the option that indicates the priority for fixing this defect, where P0 means the highest priority and P3 is the lowest priority. |
Description | Enter a detailed description of the defect. |
Steps to Reproduce | Enter a step-by-step procedure showing exactly how to reproduce the defect. |
Environment | Click the ellipsis button to select the environment (client and server operating systems, browsers, and so on) in use when the defect was discovered. |
Summary: |
Regression | Click Yes or No. |
Regression From | If regression is Yes, click the ellipsis button to select the model version revision where the feature last worked. |
Regression Details | Enter a detailed description of the change that broke the relevant feature. |
Notes | Use this field to enter discussion notes about the defect. |
Subscribers | Click the ellipsis button to select people and member lists to be notified whenever a change is made to this defect. |
Keywords | Enter a list of terms relevant to this defect that people can use when searching for defects. |