Design Tool Suites Page

The Design Tool Suites page lists the available tool suites. When this page shows as a category for a design tool, it only lists those tool suites that include that design tool. The same page is used to list the revisions of a tool suite.

Required access roles:

  • App-specific: Defect Engineer
  • Baseline: Owner, Leader, or a user with Review and Approve (RWA) license

To access the list of all tool suites:

  1. Click .
  2. In the navigation pane, click Tool Suites.

To access the list of tool suites related to a organization, development, development assignment, development instance, or tool:

  1. Open the required item.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Tool Suites.

    The list for a tool only includes all tool suites that include that tool.

To access the list of revisions of a tool suite:

  1. Open the tool suite. See Opening a Tool Suite.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Revisions.

    The list of revisions also shows in the Other Revisions page tab on the properties page for the tools suite.

This page discusses:


Column NameDescription
NameThe name of the tool suite.
RevisionThe revision level for the tool suite.

If the tool suite type is DesignSync, the revision value must match the version number of the installed DesignSync system, such as 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x.

Tool Suite TypeDesignSync or Other.

A development needs at least one tool suite with the DesignSync type defined, and every development assignment must have a tool suite that includes a DesignSync type.

StateThe current lifecycle state of the suite: Active or Inactive.
DescriptionDescriptive text about the purpose of the tool suite.
OrganizationsThe name of the organization that owns the tools in the tool suite.
PlatformThe platform that the tools in the suite run on:
  • All
  • UNIX
  • Windows

Your system might also show specific versions of operating systems, such as solaris_a64 and solaris_b64.

Install PathThe path name to the tools on the platform.

For DesignSync type tool suites, this value sets SYNC_DIR for the development areas that use this tool suite.

ScriptThe path to scripts that run before the tool is started to set the environment for this tool suite. The value can include environment variables.

See the Enterprise DesignSync Administration guide for more information about scripts.

Program GroupIf the platform is All or Windows, the Program Group for this tool suite.
Starting DirectoryThe relative path to the development area directory to set as the current working directory (cwd) for the tool when it starts. The starting directory for a specific design tool can override this starting directory. Users can specify a different starting directory when they connect to their development area.

Opens the default page for the tool suite in a new window.

Action/Toolbar Commands

When this table shows as a category for a development instance or design tool, no actions are available. When this table lists the revisions of a suite, only the Revise action is available.

Action NameDescriptionFor More Information

Only shows on the list of all tool suites.

Creates a tool suite.Creating or Revising Tool Suites

Only shows on the list of all tool suites. You can also revise a tool suite from that suite's properties page.

Revises the design tool suite.Creating or Revising Tool Suites
Add Existing

Only shows on the category page for a development or development assignment.

Searches for and adds an existing tool suite to the list.

For a development assignment, you can only select tool suites associated with the same development that the assignment is associated with.


Only shows on the category list for a development or development assignment.

Removes the selected tool suite from the list. Click OK to confirm.-

Only shows on the list of all tool suites.

Deletes the selected tool suite. Click OK to confirm.
Note: This action does not delete any design tools included in the tool suite.