Development Instances Page

A development instance is the representation of a physical instantiation of a development on a file server that is managed by a development server. Any changes made to a development instance or items related to the instance are passed to the server so that all users of that instance are modified.

Required access roles:

  • App-specific: Defect Engineer
  • Baseline: Leader or a user with Review and Approve (RWA) license

To access the list of instances for a development:

  1. Open the required development or DesignSync server. See Opening a Development or Opening a DesignSync Server.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Development Instances.

This page discusses:


Column NameDescription
NameThe name of the development instance. Click to open the Properties page for the development instance.
StateThe current lifecycle state of the development instance: Created, Enabled, or Disabled.
DescriptionDescriptive information about the instance.
DevelopmentThe name of the development that this is an instance of. Click to open the properties page for the development.
DesignSync ServerThe name of the development server that manages the development instance. Click to open the properties page for that server.
OrganizationOrganization responsible for managing the development instance. Click to open the properties page for the organization.
Last Update DateThe most recent date that changes were made to the development instance.
Last StatusText of the most recent status message for the instance.
Area Scrub PeriodPeriod in days for cleaning of unused data in the file and module caches maintained by the data replication system for the item.
Click to edit the information for the development instance. See Editing Development Instance Properties.
Click to open the properties page for the development instance in a new window.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action NameDescriptionFor More Information
Create New Creates a development instance based on this development.Creating Development Instances
Enable Enables the selected development instances.

The app displays a log of the commands being executed. If the development instance cannot be enabled on the development server, then the app does not enable it on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

Enabling a Development Instance
Disable Moves the instance to the Disabled state. Disables the selected development instances on both the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and the development server.-
Send UpdateSends an update of the development information for the selected development instances to the development server.

Usually, Enterprise DesignSync Administration automatically updates the development server without you needing to execute this command. You only need to use this command if you suspect that updates from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to the development server were not made for any reason.

Updating a Development Instance
Send ResetSends a notification request to the development server. The server completes a series of checks and updates, including:
  • Resetting the Data Replication Root (DRR) to ensure that the top-level module is up-to-date and the DRR has all of the required sub-modules.
  • Ensuring that the Settings module is up to date and has no file modifications.
Resetting a Development Instance

Only available on the Development category page.

Deletes the selected development instances. Click OK to confirm.

This command also deletes development areas associated with the development instances.
