Editing Development Assignment Properties

You can edit the properties for a development assignment.

Required access roles:

  • App-specific: Defect Engineer
  • Baseline: Leader

See Also
Development Assignment Properties
  1. Open the required development assignment. See Opening a Development Assignment.
  2. On the page Actions menu or toolbar, click Edit .
  3. Edit these details as needed:

    Field NameDescription
    Business RoleSelect a role from the drop-down list. This role determines access to items in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

    Changing the role could change who can create development areas. Any users with this development assignment can still use their development areas, but depending on their role, they might not be able to create new development areas.

    DescriptionDescribe the purpose of this assignment.
    Development SelectorThe name of the branch that this assignment will have access to. If you do not enter a selector, Defect Management and Collaboration uses the default selector for the development.
    Development ViewThe view of the data for people with this assignment .
    Development SettingClick to select a setting. You can only choose development settings associated with the context development.

    If you do not select a development setting, Defect Management and Collaboration uses the default setting for the development.

    If you change the development setting and this development assignment is used by development areas, then the users of the development areas are switched to the new setting the next time the sda cd command is used (see the Enterprise DesignSync Administration Guide for information.

  4. Click Done.