The default configuration of Process Composer assumes that the following people are collaborating to create and run simulations:
- Designer
The designer uses experiences to instantiate simulation processes and simulation
activities that were created by the methods developer. The designer uses PLM processes
to create and modify a simulation process and its data. They run the simulation
processes and collaborate with team members to arrive at a design that satisfies
performance requirements.
- Methods Developer
The methods developer is the local Process Composer expert. The methods developer creates experiences of simulation processes and
simulation activities that capture the best practices of their company. These
experiences are used by the designer to create new simulation processes and
activities. The methods developer also defines the attribute groups and parameters
that are used in a simulation process or activity, although the designer may change
their values when they instantiate an experience. In addition, the methods developer
configures the applications and connectors that are used by a simulation process.
- Administrator
The administrator installs Process Composer and defines the PLM environment that will be used by the designer on a daily basis.
For example, they define the users and their roles
along with policies and lifecycle definitions. The administrator also defines the
machines and applications that will be used during the execution of a simulation
Many of the administrative tasks are performed when Process Composer is installed; however, the administrator must also perform routine maintenance and
administration. The Process Composer Administration Guide describes how the system administrator installs and configures
Process Composer.
- Attributes Administrator
The attributes administrator can create an attribute group that a designer can apply
to simulation processes, simulation activities, experiences, or documents. After
creating the attribute group, the attributes administrator adds attributes to the
- Manager
The manager reviews a simulation process that has been run by the designer along with
the data generated by the process. The roles of
the manager is to advance the lifecycle state of the simulation process or its
components. The manager also provides other users access to simulation objects to
which the manager already has access.