When the Simulation Methods Developer has created a simulation process that solves a particular problem, they can save the process as an experience. Experiences capture the best practices and intellectual property that are encapsulated in a well-designed simulation and allow an organization to disseminate the information to a larger group of users who may not have the engineering knowledge to create the original simulation. A simulation experience captures the content of a simulation process as well as all of the simulation activities, including the order in which they appear. The captured simulation activity also contains content, as well as connectors, connector options and their values, and rules. The experience also captures the attributes, attribute groups, and parameters of a simulation process. The value of an attribute can be fixed, or instantiation options can allow the Simulation Analyst to modify the value of an attribute. The instantiation options are applied to any simulation processes or simulation activities that are created from the experience. If the Simulation Methods Developer creates a well-designed simulation experience, the Simulation Analyst should be able to do the following: