From the search menu in the
Top Bar,
search for simulation processes or simulation activities.
From the list that appears, select the simulation process or
activity that will contain the document.
The selected simulation process or activity appears in the
navigation pane
and the table page.
From the
navigation pane,
Process Composer
displays the data categories inside the simulation process or simulation
Toggle on the category that will contain the document.
From the document actions menu in the content page toolbar, select
Add Referenced Content
From the
page that appears, use the
to filter the objects being displayed.
From the
Type tags, select
Simulation Document to show only
simulation documents.
Select additional categories and tags to add additional
filters. For example, you can search for a specific revision, owner,
description, or creation date.
Process Composer displays all the documents that
match the search criteria.
Turn on the documents that will be referenced, and click
Process Composer creates references to the
selected documents from the data categories and displays the
 icon in the
Remarks column of the
Contents page.