Uploading Images
You can upload an image to be associated with a simulation entity.
Images can be associated with the following simulation objects:
- Simulations processes
- Simulation activities
- Simulation folders
- Templates
- Attribute groups
- Data categories
- Simulation documents
- To associate images with a simulation process, simulation activity, simulation folder, experience, or attribute group, do the following:
- Search for and select the entity that will contain the folder.Process Composer displays the entity in the navigation pane and the table page.
- From the navigation pane, click Images.
Process Composer displays the Images page.
- From the Images page toolbar, click
Process Composer displays the Upload Images page. - Browse to the image files that you want to associate with
the entity, and click Done.Process Composer stores the selected images with the entity.
- The image that appears in the properties window for the entity is called the primary image. If you selected more than one image to associate with the entity, you can change the primary image by toggling on the desired image and selecting Set as Primary from the Images page.
- Search for and select the entity that will contain the folder.
- To associate images with a data category or a simulation document, do the following:
- Search for and select the simulation process or simulation activity that contains the data category or simulation document.Process Composer displays the simulation process or simulation activity in the navigation pane and the table page.
- From the navigation pane, click Content.
Process Composer displays the Content page.
- Toggle on the data category or document with which the image will be associated.
- From the Content page toolbar, select Process Composer displays the Upload Images page. .
- Browse to the image files that you want to associate with
the entity, and click Done.Process Composer stores the selected images in the entity.
- Search for and select the simulation process or simulation activity that contains the data category or simulation document.
More information about working with associated images can be found in Images Page in the Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide.