Importing Parameters from an XML File

You can import a specified XML file that defines the parameters you want to create. You may find this useful if you have a large number of parameters to define. See About the Parameter File for a description of the structure and format of the XML that Process Composer expects. You should use the Value element to define parameter expressions; Process Composer ignores the Result element when you import a parameter file.

See Also
About Parameters
Exporting Parameters to an XML File
  1. From the search menu in the Top Bar, search for simulation processes or simulation activities.
  2. From the list that appears, select the simulation process or activity that will contain the parameters.
    The selected simulation process or activity appears in the navigation pane and the table page.
  3. From the navigation pane, select Parameters.
    Process Composer displays the Parameters page.
  4. From the Actions menu on the Parameters page, select Import from XML.
  5. Select the XML file to import.
  6. If a parameter with the same name already exists, you can choose to replace it with the parameter in the XML file or retain the original parameter.
  7. Click OK.

    Process Composer displays the parameters in the simulation process or simulation activity.

    If there is an error in the parameter file, such as invalid XML, the file will not be imported from the working directory. To allow you to determine the problem with the parameter file, Process Composer does not clean up the working directory if the import fails. Similarly, the parameter file will not be imported from the working directory if it contains an expression in the result element. Error messages describing the illegal expression are written to the execution log.