In the Member - Curve panel, under Material
& Orientation, specify the following parameters:
Select the required material and section for the member.
- Select the required material reference.
- From the
Standard list, select the section standard.
- From the Shape list, select the required section shape.
Shape box is unavailable for selection when
the material-section table does not have the
SectionShape column, that is when you are
using the resolved sections.
- From the Size list, select the required section size.
Set the appropriate orientation.
- Select the anchor point.
- Specify the angle to rotate the section, if required.
You can
click to invert the rotation direction and to twist the member.
Under Type & Name, specify the type of the member.
Geometry, specify the following inputs:
In the
Curve box, select a curve for the member
to follow.
- You can select a curve, a line, or a sketch.
- You can select multiple curves.
In the
Surface box, select a surface or a plane.
Limits, specify the following parameters:
Specify the start and end limits.
Specify the offset and the normal offset values.
Select the limit type.
Define the endcut.