Breaking Panels and Plates

Break Panel/Plate lets you break a panel or a plate into two panels or plates, respectively.

This task shows you how to:

Specify Inputs

  1. From the Operation section of the action bar, click Break Panel/Plate .
  2. At the upper right of the Break Panel/Plate panel, click Show Preferences and specify an action rule to manage the objects impacted by the breaking of the panel or plate.

    Impacted objects are the objects that have used the input panel or plate as a limit or support.

  3. Under Type, select the object type: Panel or Plate .
  4. According to the selected type, select either panels or plates from the 3D area or the tree.
  5. Under Splitting Object, select a line, plane, surface, or structure object.

Check Impacts and Break Impacted Profiles

  1. To see the impacted objects, click Show Impact

    The profiles that can be broken using the selected splitting object appear with the icon.

  2. Select the rows of such profiles, and click Break Profile to break them using the splitting object.

Break Panels or Plates

Click Break .
The panels or plates are broken using the splitting object. The impacted objects are managed using the action rule. The detail features such as slots, slots with composite profiles, openings, flanges, and scallops are managed automatically, respecting the original geometry.

You must manage the other detail features such as welds, structure fasteners, and chamfers using their respective creation commands.

The Status column under Input is updated, displaying the following statuses for the input objects:

OKThe input object is broken and the detail features are managed successfully.
KOThis status appears because of one or more of the following reasons:
  • The input object is not broken.
  • Detail objects are not managed properly.
  • The resultant objects after the break operation are multidomain.

Check Status of the Impacted Objects

To see the status of the impacted objects, click Show Impact again
The Impacted Object panel appears with the following columns:
Column Description

: The impacted object is successfully managed or has no errors.

: The impacted object has errors.

Object Name of the impacted object.
Input Name of the input object associated with the impacted object.
Type Type of the impacted object, such as panel, plate, or stiffener.
Usage Usage of the input object in the impacted object: support or limit.

Analyze Results

  1. Click Analyze Result .
    The Result Analysis panel displays the status of the input and newly generated objects.
    OKThe input object is broken and the detail features are managed successfully.
    KOThis status appears because of one or more of the following reasons:
    • The input object is not broken.
    • Detail objects are not managed properly.
    • The resultant objects after the break operation are multidomain.
  2. In the Result Analysis panel, select the cell of an object whose status is KO and click Analyze Detail Objects .
    The Detail Features Analysis panel displays the status of the detail features available on that object.

Tip: You can also click Open the HTML report on the progress bar to view the detailed report on the break operation.