Creating a Stiffener on a Free Edge

Stiffener on Free Edge lets you create a stiffener on a free edge to strengthen this edge.

A free edge can be an edge of a panel or a plate that is not limited by another object. It can also be an opening on a panel or a plate. Web girders also have free edges.

  1. Under Material & Orientation, specify the following parameters:
    1. Select the appropriate material and section for the stiffener.

      1. Select the required material reference.
      2. From the Standard list, select the section standard.
      3. From the Shape list, select the required section shape.

        The Shape box is unavailable for selection when the material-section table does not have the SectionShape column, that is when you are using the resolved sections.

      4. From the Size list, select the required section size.

    2. Set the appropriate orientation.

    If you are unable to find the selected section reference, check the following:

    • The section reference is available in the database.
    • There are no duplicate section references in the database.
    • The section reference has the section standard attribute specified in its properties.

  2. Under Category & Name, select an appropriate category for stiffener on free edge from the Category list.
  3. Select a panel or plate to attach a stiffener on a free edge.

    You can select multiple panels or plates on the same support in the Plate\Panel box.

    As soon as the panel or plate is selected, its free edges or openings on it are highlighted in the 3D area.
  4. Optional: Select the limit mode.

    You cannot change the limit mode once the support is selected.

  5. Under Support, select the required edge or opening.
    You can select multiple edges.
  6. Optional: Under Limits, specify the following parameters:
    1. Select the start and end limits.
    2. Specify the offset and normal offset values.
    3. Optional: Define the delimitation type.
    4. Define the endcut.
  7. Under Section Positioning, specify the following parameters:
    1. Specify the required value in the Web Angle box.
      By default, the web of a stiffener is placed perpendicular to the panel or plate.
    2. Click Neutral Fibre or Plate Face to define the position of the anchor point along the direction of the thickness of the panel or plate.

      The anchor point is positioned on the face or the neutral fibre of the plate accordingly.

  8. Click OK.
    The stiffener on a free edge is created.