Geometrical Tools Section

The Geometrical Tools section of the action bar provides commands for creating geometrical set, positioned sketch, wireframe geometries. This section is available when you are at the representation level.

Geometrical Set
Creates a geometrical set.
  1. Enter the name of the geometrical set.
  2. Select the parent destination.
  3. Select the features to be added in the geometrical set.
See Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Managing Geometrical Feature Sets: Managing Geometrical Sets.

Positioned Sketch
Creates a positioned sketch.
  1. Select the planar support, the origin, and the orientation.
  2. Sketch the profile and click Exit App.
See Sketcher User's Guide: Before You Begin: Creating a Positioned Sketch.

Creates a point.
See Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Creating Wireframe Geometry: Creating Points.

Creates a line.
Select the line type (line creation method) and specify the required parameters.
See Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Creating Wireframe Geometry: Creating Lines.

Creates a plane.
Select the plane type (plane creation method) and specify the required parameters.
See Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Creating Wireframe Geometry: Creating Planes.

Creates a geometry by projecting one or more elements onto a support.
Select the element to be projected, the support element, and the projection type (normal or along a direction).
See Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Creating Wireframe Geometry: Creating Projections.

Creates a geometry from the intersection of elements such as wireframe elements, volumes, and surfaces.
Select the intersecting elements.
See Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Creating Wireframe Geometry: Creating Intersections.

Creates a swept surface when you select the prerequisites like the profile, the guide curve, and the reference surface.
Select the profile type and specify the required prerequisites.
See Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Creating Surfaces: Creating Swept Surfaces.

Assembles adjacent curves or adjacent surfaces to make up one element.
See Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Performing Operations on Shape Geometry: Joining Curves or Surfaces.

Splits a surface, a wireframe element, or a volume using a cutting element.
Select the elements to be cut and the cutting elements.
See Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Performing Operations on Shape Geometry: Splitting Geometry.

Trims two or more surfaces or wireframe elements, by cutting each other interactively.
  1. Select the trim mode (standard or pieces).
  2. Select the elements to be trimmed.
See Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Performing Operations on Shape Geometry: Trimming Geometry.