Preparing Spools for Revision

You can move engineering connections to the common parent or delete them, and freeze contextual imports going out of the spool. These modifications let you prepare the spool for revision.

See Also
Managing Spool Revision
  1. Select a spool in the tree or in the 3D area.

    You can also select multiple spools.

  2. On the context toolbar, click Preprocess Spool .
    The Preprocess Spool panel appears and lists the spool members that are connected to other objects. The icon next to the name indicates that the engineering connection will move under the common parent.
  3. Optional: In the list, click the engineering connections you want to delete.
    The icon replaces the icon to indicate that the engineering connection will be deleted.
    Tip: The Delete Above Level option lets you select the parent level from which you want to start the deletion of engineering connections. The engineering connections you want to delete are automatically selected.
  4. Click OK.
    Engineering connections with the icon are moved under the common parent and the engineering connections with the icon are deleted.
  5. Click Update .
  6. Click Share > Save > Save All.
    The product is saved. You can now change the maturity of the spools.