In the Logical to Physical Assistant panel, select one or
multiple rows that contain physical objects.
Click Auto Place
The physical objects are created under the Expected
3D Parent of the selected rows. The physical objects that you create have an
implement link to the logical objects of the selected rows. If you instantiate a reference
during the placement, the placement of the physical object depends on the following:
- If the selected row has an Expected 3D Space, your physical
object appears at the center of gravity of this 3D space.
- If the L2P_Compute3DPosition business rule is implemented, then the
coordinates of your physical object are the coordinates that the business rule returns.
For more information, see Compute Position for Instantiation of 3D Physical (L2P_Compute3DPosition)
- If none of the above conditions are true, then your physical object appears at the
origin of the root product.